Journal Outside the Classroom Travel

South America, I want you to show me your favourite places…

Another time because we had to go home. 

As the song Despacito (look up the translation for a ‘huh’ moment) fades and my love affair with ham and cheese everything ends, I am sharing my top 3 highlights from each place we got to visit in South America before having to come home. As I sit in self isolation, it is clear that we live in a strange time and while our travels were cut short because of this, there’s so much to celebrate.

Bueno Aires, Argentina
– Learning Spanish with Gisela as it was super challenging but also rewarding and useful.
– Staying in Palermo Hollywood which had excellent coffee shops and a great selection of gluten free foods.
– Visiting various museums because I’m a nerd.

One of many excellent coffee stops in Bueno Aires.

Colonia, Uruguay
– Wandering the cobbled streets of historic Colonia.
– Spending time at El Galope with Monica and Miguel who helped us ride horses and introduced us to a cheese maker.
– Enjoying a fantastic meal at Charco Bistro on our last night in Uruguay.

Iguazu Falls, Argentina and Brazil
– Breath taking views of the waterfall.
– Spending a day by the pool at Saint George Hotel in Argentina.
– Finding hummus on the Brazilian side after a visit to the bird park.

A character from the bird park.

São Paulo, Brazil
– Chats with the staff at Hostel Alice.
– Finding excellent vegetarian food at Haya Falafel and Quincho Cozinha & Coquetelaria.
– Exploring the street art in Batman Alley.

Paraty, Brazil
– Meeting our extremely hospitable host at Suites Beija-Flor.
– Boat trip around the islands of Paraty and swimming with fish.
– Visiting waterfalls in the area with Jeep 40 Tour and swimming in cool, fresh water.

One of three waterfalls that we visited.

Ilha Grande, Brazil
– Swimming in the rain outside of our hotel one morning.
– Eating churros while walking along a sandy road.
– Enduring a speed boat ride back to the mainland in the rain.

Rio, Brazil
– Seeing Christ the Redeemer.
– Going to a football match at Maracanã Stadium.
– Getting home in one piece after a bloco party!

It took forever but it was worth it.

The Galápagos Islands, Ecuador
– Snorkelling with turtles on Santa Cruz.
– Walking up a volcano on Isabela Island.
– Watching the sea lions on San Cristóbal Island.

Seals hanging out.

The Amazon Jungle and Cusco, Peru
– Seeing a spider monkey.
– Sitting on a little boat watching an electrical storm.
– Seeing the cutest alpacas in Cusco.

South America, you threw me in the deep end and challenged me in so many ways. You’ve reminded me about what I love at home and that I am a lover of comfort and knowing the plan. You’ve shown me how amazing nature is, how good rice can taste and how hard some people work. See you another time.